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Five Advantages of Divorce Mediation
Save Money
Multiple nation-wide surveys estimate the average cost for a divorce is $12,900, per person. Bearing in mind that the average divorce mediation costs, along with the uncontested divorce fee through Bates Family Law, ranges between $3,500-$4,000 per couple, there is a significant benefit to divorce mediation. For most couples going through a divorce, saving as much money as possible is of utmost importance considering that the same income the family previously used to support one household, will now have to support two.
Protect the Children
Research shows that conflict, rather than the divorce or residential schedule, is the single most critical determining factor in children’s post-divorce adjustment. The children who succeed after divorce, have parents who can communicate effectively and work together as parents. Reducing the conflict generated by divorce and helping couples learn to communicate effectively is one of the chief outcomes of using divorce mediation. Additionally, in any case where court intervention has been requested and there is a dispute about custody of the children, the court will appoint an attorney for the children (AFC). The AFC will be required to meet with all the children, further involving them in the divorce.
Save Time and Stress
The typically length of time for a litigated divorce to be finalized falls between 9 months to 2 years by the time you align your schedule and two attorney’s schedules with the court’s calendar. On the other hand, couples control the pace of mediation and only need to coordinate their schedule with that of the divorce mediator. Motivated couples could conceivable complete mediation in 1-2 weeks and have their divorce finalized by the court in 2-3 months. The divorce mediation process of information-gathering and decision-making cuts through the red tape and helps couples avoid getting stuck in the past and focused on the future.
If you needed to make a decision about your future, would you prefer to make that decision or leave it up to a stranger? Leaving it up to a stranger is the exact position many couples find themselves in when they rely on the court or a judge to make a ruling in their divorce. In divorce mediation, couples make 100% of the decisions. A divorce mediator will take the time to educate both spouses on the law and explain exactly how it applies in their particular circumstances, thus empowering them to make informed decisions. By making their own decisions, couples control the scope of their agreement in its entirety thus avoiding the uncertainty of court.
Compliance with the Agreement
When any decision is made for you, or imposed upon you, it is human nature to be resentful and less compliant. This resentment and lack of compliance often boils over into long term legal battles which can drain the family emotionally and financially. Research shows that compliance and satisfaction with mediated agreements is higher than when imposed by a court, resulting in less post-divorce litigation.
Still have questions?
Call Bates Family Law today at (585) 433-4661 to speak directly with our divorce mediator or schedule your free divorce mediation consultation.